About City Elders Missouri

Who We Are

City Elders™ exist to Govern the gates of every City Spiritually, Politically, and Economically
so that Life is Protected, Liberty is Defended, Christ is Exalted, and Families Flourish.

Jesse Leon Rodgers

National President of City Elders

Jesse Rodgers is the chairman of the Oklahoma Watchmen on the Wall Network; the pastor’s network of the Family Research Council, Washington, D.C., and the founder of “City Elders” a reformation model of the city and state governance.

Rodgers’ unique role with the Family Research Council and City Elders has positioned him to influence government officials from the local municipalities to the White House.

Rev. Jerry Angelo

Rev. Jerry Angelo

Missouri State Chairman

City Elders Missouri was established by Jerry Angelo, who is also the founder of Vanguard Marriage and Family Advocates, and state director of Missouri for the FamilyLife Local Movements program.   

Angelo’s background has uniquely positioned him to bring together various faith organizations and coalitions that are a natural fit for the common/parallel vision and purpose of City Elders Missouri.